Before determining your core values, you must clearly understand your organization’s meaning. Ask yourself: What does your organization exist to do? What is the ultimate goal or mission?
Core values should reflect the beliefs and principles of everyone involved in the organization. Engage stakeholders, including employees, customers, partners, and investors, in identifying core values. Gather input and feedback from these groups to ensure your core values resonate with everyone.
Consider common themes and beliefs from your stakeholder engagement process. What values are most important to everyone involved in the organization?
Once you have identified potential core values, refine the list and rank them in order of significance and relevance to your organization’s purpose. Consider which values are most critical for achieving your mission and which are most aligned with your organization’s culture.
Once you have established your core values, communicate them clearly and consistently to all stakeholders. Ensure they are integrated into all aspects of your organization, including decision-making, hiring, training, and performance management.
Core values should be examined frequently to ensure they’re relevant and aligned with your organization’s purpose and culture. Continuously assess their effectiveness and develop them as necessary to reflect changes in your organization or the external environment.
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